Life on Earth is great and very relaxing to the privileged western countries. We have the highest education on earth, food from every corner of the planet, and the most innovating technology. One can visit people in different continents in a maximum of 2 days, and can take a tour of the world by plane or boat. People are building more and more, opening places to immense innovations. However, has one every thought about the origins of these resources? Or more precisely, how it is being created? It is all and well to know that paper comes from trees, but do you know that 95% of the trees have been completely razed from the surface of the North America? Life on Earth isn’t actually that relaxing; unless, of course, you have been totally clueless up until now.
“If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front”
This video is a brief overview of the E.L.F actions :
After watching the documentary “If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth
Liberation Front”, we could very well realize that the movie shows multiple
point of views. These multiple points of view let the audience make their own
opinion on the subject, as well as who they agree with. In the documentary, the
content was quite biased towards the E.L.F. and the environmental issues.
Although it is biased, the directors demonstrated a various amount of points of
view and ideologies like the police officers and the investigators as well as the media and
the businessmen. Daniel McGowan and other E.L.F members believed that what they
were doing the right thing for the environment. They tried to deliver their message by by burning buildings and property damage. Daniel
McGowan put himself out there to show his beliefs and ideologies. The documentary
film tries to show what environmentalism is all about, the film implies that
being an environmentalist is someone that supports nature and wants to protect it. Daniel's point of view
in the film gives him a chance to show ideologies and makes himself an example
to follow. One of the most important messages in this film is that we have to
stand up for what we believe in. However, as shown in the film: there are
limits. The E.L.F. wanted to shock the companies; however, their ways were
drastic and dangerous. Due to those extreme methods, business owners lost their
money and their hard work.
When the director interviewed the business owners, they used their testimonies to make the documentary less biased. He also used many testimonies to show different ideologies about the saving the environment and how important the issue is. This documentary also added a lot of scenes showing police brutality, demonstrating these peaceful protesters getting pepper sprayed and being bombared with gas, etc. By doing so the director showed how the police has to follow what they are told even if they do not necessairly agree with their orders. What the environmentalist wanted to show to everyone else, is that our environment is getting worse every day, second by second, and if we keep going we are going to lose what is left of it.
When the director interviewed the business owners, they used their testimonies to make the documentary less biased. He also used many testimonies to show different ideologies about the saving the environment and how important the issue is. This documentary also added a lot of scenes showing police brutality, demonstrating these peaceful protesters getting pepper sprayed and being bombared with gas, etc. By doing so the director showed how the police has to follow what they are told even if they do not necessairly agree with their orders. What the environmentalist wanted to show to everyone else, is that our environment is getting worse every day, second by second, and if we keep going we are going to lose what is left of it.
“L’Erreur Boréale”
The film “L’Erreur Boréale” is a documentary directed by Richard
Desjardins and Robert Monderie. It is mostly about Quebec’s nature and how it’s
being treated here. But it’s really about the deforestation in Quebec. This
film was made in Quebec in 1999 and is 68 minutes long. At the beginning of the
film, he interviews an elderly man called Robert Monderie; he helped make this
documentary with Richard Desjardin. They start talking about Lake Vaudray, in
Quebec. This man says that since he was five years old, he would come and spend
his summers there. However, it’s almost all gone because such a big amount of
trees have been cut down by these companies. In Abitibi, Quebec, there lies one
of the biggest leather factories in the world. They poisoned tons of lakes and
rivers, and cut down many important trees in Lake Vaudray. Luckily, Richard
Desjardins started a petition; He received one thousand five hundred signatures
to stop the leather company from cutting down more trees, on the other side of
Lake Vaudray. No one really realizes what’s happening to nature; since we build
walls around forests, human beings cannot witness or see how people disrespect
nature, and how little they care about the trees. This is the problem Richard Desjardins is
trying to show people in his documentary. The government keeps cutting down so
many trees here in Montreal. Desjardins’ goal in this film was to show us
citizens that we need to make a change and we need to save the forests. When
the Europeans came to North America, they had already cut all the trees of the
forest. However, when Jacques Cartier came to North America, he was amazed by
the nature. Back in the day, the forest in Quebec used to be two times bigger
than it is now! One tree used to be enough to cut a plank of wood for a table
but nowadays, they need more than just one tree. In 1910, in Quebec, a new law
had been created: wood had to be transformed into paper. In 1950, Trois-Rivière
became the world’s capital of paper.
way Richard Desjardins expresses his feelings about nature and the cutting down
of the trees is great. In this film, he reveals to us, the audience, what the
government and industries are trying to do through the use of pictures. He is
also tells us what exactly they’re hiding from people. Desjardins says that
they are cutting the trees in a disrespectful and exaggerating way; they are
definitely not replanting trees, they’re taking the homes of many animals and
they’re slowly killing humans. The government and the industries are not
respecting the environment; all they truly care about is making a profit. We
need those trees because they have the oxygen necessary for our breath and
survivals, our food and animals, our well being, etc.
Check out this short video that demonstrates the changes happening to Quebec's forest. ://
concept of this film is to teach us the importance of nature and trees.
Industries have to stop cutting down so many trees. There aren’t many trees
left in the world. Nobody realizes how important the environment and soon it’s
all going to be gone.
This film presents one clear ideologie, that we have to be careful and change our ways before all our forest get cut down. L'erreur boréale denounce the clean cuts happening in the nordique forest. Desjardins uses this film to show the issue of deforestation in Quebec and uses statistics to support his claims.
At the end of the documentary, Desjardins shows pictures to students studying nature; those picture demonstrate what people are doing to the forest. He shows them
what the industries have done to Lake Vaudray, and how there aren’t many trees
left: they are quite shocked, because they’ve never seen the forest like that.
Ignorance is prevalent throughout the society: Important information is withholden
from naturalists themselves!
Our Thoughts on the Films
These films are very eye-opening to some, and a
complete joke to others. It shows us how urgent the problem of ecology is, and
yet how many people ignore it. These films can be seen as pretty challenging: to get their
point across, some people decide to cause damage through their method of arson, but they keep on going until they are heard, yet they mostly manage to be seen as
terrorists, and their purpose is completely invisible. It is very shocking to
see how far people can go for simple trees. However, it is understandable when
we see how much damage one has caused to the environment. It is very weird to
see such an extremist side of the environment, since it is usually treated as an exagerated issue. The environment has become a real issue as seen the both movies our forests and environments are being destroyed and we need to take action. These films invite us to treat the environment more seriously, and to
realise how much damage we are causing. Throughout the world, about 900 million trees are cut down annually, as of 2014. We never seem to realise how much we’re killing the
earth because we are so desensitised to its issues. Watching these films is
like taking a bath in cold water, gasping and coming back to the surface, and
realising you are very much awake, but that you have chosen to be sleepy and
blind. Littering, buying books, using too much water, has always been done
without a care in the world. However, we now have a guilty feeling in the back
of our heads. With every meter you drive with a car, another dent is put in the
Earth’s lifespan.
The film “L’Érreur Boréale” was eye-catching
because we got to see how so many industries treat our environment in such
disgusting ways. Desjardins showed us what an industry had done to Lake Vaudray
and I thought it was just so sad to see someone’s home being destroyed like
that. Every year, more and more poor animals become extinct, due to human actions. It is sad to see those beautiful creatures be gone forever.
It is not
very likeable to be treated as Earth’s criminals. No one likes to be seen as a
hateful and disgusting person, yet these films has human beings be seen like
so. It is trying to make us realize and make us accept that with every action
we take, we are causing environmental damage. Seeing all the police brutality
against peaceful protesters is shocking: it is unbelievable that the government
itself is fully ignoring the damage they are causing to the environment, and
are weeding out the people who do care about it. Image after image, scene after
scene, the message of these films finally get embedded in our brain, and we
feel somewhat guilty. Obviously, it is too difficult and almost impossible to
radically change our lifestyle, but small actions are better than nothing.
would say that the filmmaker have done a good job in conveying their ideas; it
was a bit shocking to see how developed of a crime the eco-terrorists have
done, without being a single bit guilty about it, in the moment. It is good to
see how they’ve reflected on it, without degrading the purpose of it. However,
it is a bit unnecessary to see how much empathy the filmmakers wants us to pour
in the film to feel bad for Daniel. It is important that we see him as a human
being, but seeing to much of him in a positive light erases the crimes he has
done. Desjardins has done a successful job of demonstrating how intensely
important information is hidden from us, with the example of naturalists
students being shocked at his pictures. The anecdotes were also interesting,
yet not totally convincing without the proof of solid evidence.
After watching these two documentary, we realized that we should take action to save the planet. Just looking at my neighborhood the municipality is taking over our forest to build condos. I remember when I just moved in, their was only two or three streets present in my development and now there is about 10 to 12 streets. This has made me open my eyes to what the environment is facing. The two documentary made me notice that the I need to take action, so lately I tried taking care of the environment even more, I have tried to reduce my ecological footprint.
After watching these two documentary, we realized that we should take action to save the planet. Just looking at my neighborhood the municipality is taking over our forest to build condos. I remember when I just moved in, their was only two or three streets present in my development and now there is about 10 to 12 streets. This has made me open my eyes to what the environment is facing. The two documentary made me notice that the I need to take action, so lately I tried taking care of the environment even more, I have tried to reduce my ecological footprint.
To conclude, we shall end with the obvious; the environment is extremely, tremendously, important. ‘If A Tree Falls’ demonstrate how desperate the environmentalists are, for the cause is urgent: L’Erreur Boréale, likewise. Both films show us the effects of the long-term damage we have created. We must realise how much damage we are causing to the Earth, and we must change our lifestyles to ensure a better life for us and the future generations. We need to rally against the corporations who ignore the damage they cause on Earth, and protest peacefully, because extreme reaches will only bring us backwards. Going slow yet steady is the best method. However, are we truly capable of change?
Want to help make a change, here are 10 simple things you can do to make the planet healthier.